The Four leading Republican Candidates for the Presidency of the United States have declined to show up to a Forum Hosted by Tavis Smiley (I love me some Tavis) on Sept 27. All of whom have cited "schedule conflicts" as the reason for their no show. This is even worrying members of the "Grand Old Party" like former Congressman Jack Kemp, who stated that "we sound like we don't want black people to vote for us". Now it's a fact that most Black people are Democrats by default but could the GOP be facing a "Blacklash" from those registered Black and Latino voters that are Republicans. And from those that vote not for for the party but for the person. It is ridiculous for the GOP candidates to think that they can win the election in 2008 without any minority votes. This country is full of young people, young Black people and young Latino people that want to be involved, are involved and can't wait until 2008 so they can vote and they are not voting for someone that they do not know and someone who does not know them. I want to know everything about my future President and I want them to know why I voted for them. I want what matters to me to matter to them and the GOP is showing that what matters to Minorities does not matter to them at all.
Check out more on this @ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/09/19/politics/washingtonpost/main3273657.shtml
Check out more on this @ http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/09/19/politics/washingtonpost/main3273657.shtml